
Assess students from 3500+ colleges across India

 ReferenceGlobe is partnered with 3500+ colleges. All these colleges and their students are connected through the platform.

 ReferenceGlobe will assist you with screening students at all phases of the selection process. We would physically be present at the college premises to ensure genuineness of both the test and the test-takers. Companies can conduct assessments directly online bypassing the screening on-campus saving time and effort. Also, they can conduct tests through LAN in a college or the students can be asked to take the test at the company premises if authenticity of the test takers is in question. Nevertheless, the issue of miscreants can be handled by changing the questions just five minutes before the test. Additionally, student profiles available on the platform are already validated by the individual TPOs of respective colleges and thus authenticity is guaranteed.

 Companies can do away with extra efforts designing a question paper for their assessment and can use ReferenceGlobe’s built in question bank which is a repository of 6,00,000 lakh questions categorized by subject and department. ReferenceGlobe provides language and psychometric tests as well.

 The assessments conducted can be company, department or industry specific and ReferenceGlobe accommodates all.

 ReferenceGlobe’s assessment can be administered by the companies to a single individual to multiple colleges simultaneously, covering fresher to lateral entry positions.

 ReferenceGlobe allows a company to track students methodically.

Assess student as per your requirement

Assess students from 3500+ colleges across India

The companies can conduct tests directly using ReferenceGlobe platform.

Searching for a college can be accomplished using college name, course or location.

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Assess Your Own List

Craete your own list, by selecteing the student with diffrent serach criteria

Assess your created list directly from diffrent colleges, get your exact candidates by filltering the student

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Conduct Test On College Lan

Conduct the test from company itself to college lan

Once its publishto lan,college student can able to take the assessment with in the college only

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Assessment for Experience Users

Company can also conduct the test in reference globe depending on the experiance

Reference Globe user who matched with the given experience who are able to take the test directly,they get notification from referenceglobe

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Assess Candidates directly

In reference globe company can assess the candidates those are not a reference globe user

Directly company can conduct the test with the candidates email id,Once test is publish to those candidates ,notification will go to thier email

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Conduct tests

Company can assess thier own employees by conducting Internal Assessment

Company can reuse the same assessment for more number of times

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