Campus pool

Post campus pool and share the information to multiple colleges online - Say no to conventional ad-hoc e-mail sharing process

 Campus selection is the most effective way to hire fresh graduates. Each year, about 800 organizations hire more than 100,000 graduates from 3500+ colleges across India. Institutes try to provide the best facilities to help meet the company requirements.

 Campus recruitment drives have become the order of the day, and pooling students from different colleges is usually done on an ad-hoc basis when times demand. In the absence of a mechanism, it becomes tough for colleges to meet the demand for large number of students requested by a particular company.

 Due to companies needing fresh graduates in large numbers, colleges need to provide a hassle free, organized pooled campus drives to effectively accomplish this task. Colleges however, are looking for an easy platform to disseminate such information to other colleges. The conventional methods followed by colleges are tedious and time consuming. To iron this problem, and to ease the pressure of unforeseen uncertainty, ReferenceGlobe offers you “pool campus” feature which is user friendly.

  Through this feature colleges have control over the number of students attending the pool-drive, well in advance.

 The most noteworthy feature is that the colleges can share the registered student profiles from a certain pool as a webpage to the companies even before the drive commences. As you can see, the added advantage is that colleges can regulate the necessary logistics related arrangements for a successful pool-drive. The companies are informed well in advance of the number of students attending the drive. This will enable the colleges to conduct the drive in a smooth manner.

  ReferenceGlobe’s advanced platform allows colleges to gather information and share it with colleges across India directly, by a single click. Colleges can track the registered students included in a pool, well in advance for better planning.

Campus pool

Create a campus pool through ReferenceGlobe


Share the information with multiple colleges, TPOs and students across India

Track Applicant

Track all the applicants at one place and contact them directly when required


Share Directly

Share the applicant information directly with the HR managers of companies

Export to Excel

Compile the data pertaining to all the students applied for a job in a particular job pool

Contact Candidate

Contact all the applicants from a pool or if needed get in touch with one candidate
